Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


Dogme 95

Okay, this may seem the most foreign of all genres you have ever heard in your life! It's true that it is quiet unconventional but believe or not it was initially created to be this way. This genre was first established by a couple of Danish film makers including : Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg , (later on some other film makers joined the force ), to bring back the essence of film making. Dogma 95 was breaking the boundaries in terms of making a statement that film making can be done and accomplished without millions of dollars of big Hollywood budgets and the support of numerous corporations. This genre was criticized and accused of wanting to 'only ' gain the attention of media.

This type of genre was made to be more accessible for film makers without recognition and high budget funds, however Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinnterberg set up some other rules and regulations for this type of genre which made it more difficult to stick to .
A long list that can actually cause the result of the production more similar to an amateur job, Such as:
1. No back ground music
2. The whole production must be placed in one location.
3. Sound can be incorporated if it is happening while filming but no music edited on scenes.
4. Artificial lights and framings are prohibited.
5. The film also must not contain artificial scenes, such as action scenes and weapons and etc.

This way the list goes on to so many other regulations. as you can see this genre could not have lasted so long and even the creators of this genre themselves broke some of the rules themselves , (Von Trier used some symphonies as pieces of music in his films ) ,and caused this genre to end in 2005. Here is some footage from the movie 'Dogville' (2003) directed by Lars Von Trier himself , Now maybe u can get an idea what type of rules was used in this type of genre and how it visually appeared. Unfortunately i could not embed the video of 'Dogville' due to the privacy policy rules on youtube, but here is the address if you are interested


Jazgol xx


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