Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


Drama Genre

The drama genre categories films which are serious in nature and follow a narrative storyline which focus on character conflict dealing with serious issues which affect individuals in their everyday lives. Drama films depict their characters in an honest manner portraying all kinds of personalities from good to downright evil.

Drama films in general include themes and subject matter such as sexism, drug addiction, mental illness, political issues, inequality of social classes, violence in many forms such as domestic, family related concerns and problems, poverty and many more. These ‘social message films’ can be extremely powerful and by addressing these social issues draw attention to many issues and create public awareness.

Many drama films claim to be based on either true events or based on a true story. These ‘true stories’ can involve chilling historical events such as war which may include the true historical events with a made up love story or such. However dramatic films which claim to be based on true stories can also be completely false such as the famous 'Blair Witch Project' (1999).

Like the comedy genre, dramatic films are extremely popular and are usually the most nominated genre of film for awards such as the Academy Awards. The film critically-acclaimed 'Slumdog Millionaire' (2008) is a exceptional example of a dramatic film which in 2008 was nominated for ten Academy Awards and won eight including Best Picture. If you have not already seen this film, defiantly watch it if you enjoy good drama.

Jazgol xx


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