Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


Horror Genre

Horror movies in general are movies that explicitly provoke emotions of fear and panic, at the same time entertain you while you are seated and eventually create a cathartic experience for the audience. Throughout the history Horror genre has changed and evolved. Each generation has had its own style of horror and themes and fear. For instance, in 1922, 'Nosferatu' directed by F.W. Murnau echoes the circumstances of Great War; therefore it is no just simple a theme of a town with random deaths all over the town.

The history of horror films goes back to 100 years ago and when it is well done and less reliant to visual effects and over the top disturbing images can actually provoke the true hidden fear of a man from ‘ the other‘ factor.

Not only that, it has been proved that the more subtle portrayal of fear in this genre can be even more scary and probably the scariest form of all horror movies. A good example of that is 'The shining' (1980) directed by Stanley Kubrick, one of the greatest film makers of all time, significantly draws the attention on the abuse of alcohol and turning a domestic abuse, to a two hour fearful experience of ‘psychic photograph’. ‘The Shining' is ground braking in a lot of terms since it does not follow a lot of horror movie conventions. Most of the terrifying scenes has been filmed in absolute day light or brightly scenes ,however, manages to create a paranormal, frightening and unforgettable portrayal of what a horror movie genre can be capable of.

'Iconography 'is also a very common trait in some Horror genre films. For instance 'The Others' (2001) and 'The Hunting' (2007) the old lurky house were everyone is imprisoned was depicted and was most recently appropriated as a sign of creating fear in the audience.

Jazgol xx


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