Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


The musical

The musical genre of film may be considered the least unrealistic style of film due to the obvious fact that during musical films the characters will burst into song and dance regularly throughout the film often when an obstacle or problem arises. Due to this unbelievably many individuals are unlikely to accept the musical and therefore in contemporary film the majority of musicals are targeted towards the children audiences as well as the ‘tween’ market.

While the musical may not be everyone’s style of film, including my own, the musical style of genre is extremely popular with children and 'Grease' (1978) was defiantly replayed over and over at my house when I was young like my mother did when she was young. Many Disney films also incorporate an element of the musical genre in their films with many of the classic cartoons such as 'The Lion King' (1994), 'The Little Mermaid' (1989) and 'Aladdin' (1992) characters bursting into a huge theatrical performance capturing the imagination and attention of its young viewers.

The music which is a part of the musical genre depends on the trends of the time, with obviously more child friendly songs in 'The Lion King' then rather the smash hit of 1977 'Saturday Night Fever'. The music featured in the film as well as dance is crucial to the musical genre, as musicals can be very theatrical and the orchestration of music enhances the film immensely.

Jazgol xx


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