Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


Chick Flicks

'Pretty woman' (1990), 'P.S. I Love you' (2007), 'Before Sunset' (1995) all the type of movies women wished their boyfriends or husbands would at least sit through without making some kind of complaint. "Chick flicks" are romantic comedies which are targeted at us ladies who love a good tear jerking love story in which commonly follows a narrative story line. Cheesy? Well sometimes, but Chick flicks undoubtably consist of a male and female lead who usually fall in love and are forced to overcome one or more obstacles which result in either the blooming of a romance or tragically the demise. Chick flicks include the stereotypical interests and desires of women, men are handsome and in most cases charming and often profess there undying love in many romantic gestures.

However unfortunately these films do fill our minds with crazy ideas and expectations of love which no real man (probably ever) live up to. I mean really, take 'The Notebook' (2004), the male lead Noah is the perfect man romantic and completely devoted to his love Allie and when separated from her his life has no meaning and is completely lost. He even builds for the house she's dreamt of. But for those of us who can only dream of such romance and perfect relationships, chick flicks will always be a great way to imagine such bliss.

Jazgol xx


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