Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


The Gangster and Crime genre

The crime and gangster genre of film includes films which depicts the sinister actions of the underworld figures of criminals who function outside the law. Crime and gangster films usually follow a narrative storyline, or also may roughly follow true events which focus on the life of a lead figure or the downfall of a group of criminals and usually involve the police detectives responsible for the criminals capture.

The crime and gangster film genre themes usually include illicit drug addiction, drug dealing and importation as well as violence and sexuality. The issues which are depicted in crime and gangster films are usually crude and shady issues which considered taboo. Due to this, audience’s fascination with these taboo topics contributes to the popularity of the crime and gangster genre.

Typically the Hollywood gangster film portrays the gangster group as a group of individuals who may be likeable and relatable to the audience as their background is explored. Although many of the actions of the criminals can be somewhat forgotten by the audience such as drug dealing, murder and dark and cynical actions. However in the majority of crime and gangster films, the villains are usually caught and held accountable for their actions, this can be noted in the American crime and gangster/ drama film 'Blow' (2001) starring Johnny Depp. 'Blow' is one of my personal favourite gangster films which follows the up rise and downfall of an American drug dealer of the 1970s.

Jazgol xx


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