Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


The coming of sound in Genre : Classical Hollywood

Ok , now that we have a bit more knowledge of the Hollywood golden era, we can dig dipper in to the making of the films at that time and hopefully get a better understanding of how that genre operated at the time being.

Advent of Sound films practically started in the late 1920’s. of course films were never ‘silent’’ before that time, since they always had a sound or piece of music accompanying the narration of the story but what it means was a technical intervention and progress in film industry where you can actually hear the actors interacting with another and listen to their conversations.

‘’Warner Bros’’ , one of the five big Hollywood studios had started to gamble that 'talkies' would be popular amongst viewers with a synchronized piece of speech in 'The jazz Singer' ,. With the commercial success of that movie , studios now had a proof that talkies do make money and can benefit the studios , therefore , they were willing to invest more In the camera equipment to new projection facilities , even though initially they were still hesitant of investing financially. In the end the power of moving the audience with the sound and how sound can enhance a story , all in all, persuaded them to invest more in p.During this time another big Hollywood studio found itself competing with Warner Bros, and that was ‘’Fox studios’’, where the Vitaphone sound on disc system , a technology introduced by Warner Bros was challenging Fox’s Moviestone sound-on-film system.

Overall the use of sound in film was well received by all audiences. However, there were still technical problems that would occur during the time being, such as problems with amplification of sound in theaters were did not have the facilities to fully answer the requirements of sound movies. By 1929 Hollywood had put our more than 300 sound films most of the theaters were converted to meet the sound requirements by 1930. However it would take longer for films to regain their stylistic elegance and glamor which it provided in later years. Some of the other struggles and difficulties of this renovation was that suddenly all complex editing structures in the moving camera was lost and now needed to be established all over again. Even actors struggled with their performances were they had to act out a conversation. The film ‘’Singing In The Rain” (1952) displays some of the early-sound film difficulties at that time.




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