Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


Teen Genre

The teen genre of film is a sub genre of the comedy genre, and is undoubtedly controversial and usually narrative based centring on characters who are high school students. Most teen films characters are very stereotypical and focus on a character who attempts to befriend the ‘popular’ crowd and of course focus on a romantic storyline between the male and female leads. The themes contain issues which affect teenagers such as popularity, sex, teenage pregnancy and drug use.

The typical Hollywood teen film usually portrays life as a high school student as extremely difficult for any teen who is not the stereotypical popular cheerleader or football player. Teen films humour may be very crude and often sickening such as the 'Not Another Teen Movie' (2001) and 'The American Pie' (1999), films. The teen film genre is usually considered very controversial as the portrayal of women can be very sexist and portray women sexual objects. Due to the teen film genre obviously targeted at the teenagers these films can be very influential.

However not all teen films utilize such low brow comedy. The teenage comedy 'Mean Girls' (2004) is defiantly one of my favourite teen films, the film does not unlike many films portray crude, sexist humor and depicts many of the issues which teenage girls face highlighting the issue of bullying as well as being a very entertaining film.

Jazgol x


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