Hi welcome to Jasmine and Nargol's (Jazgol) blog about film traditions and genres. Both of us are very interested in film and we hope you enjoy our blog, if you have any thoughts about any of our posts comment us, enjoy!


Genre in Film tradition Vs. Themes

If you are interested in film making, understanding of film studies or just interested in getting a better vision and analysis of film industry, this is your place to come. For starters, you may ask yourself what is exactly a tradition or in this case a film tradition. To answer that, we go directly to definition of the word film traditions itself. A film tradition in most times carries the sense of style and cinematography of a film (not all times, but often it occurs.)

More importantly in the study of film traditions, what is important is the Genre. Comprehension of genre helps with approaching the specific text and understanding what it is trying to portray or tell the audience or what is the intended outcome. Genre in simple form is a path to classify films. The type of storytelling, characters and events that take action. It mainly involves the mood and the feel of the story and the plot of the movie.

Every artistic production has a genre, whether a piece of music, or a simple painting. Without it, the actual purpose of the production may be lost. Whether a landscape, still life or portrait in a painting or sonata, song or symphony in a piece of music, genres are to be seen in any artistic format, as it exists in films, drama, romantic comedy, horror or musicals. In literature, drama genre has three most critical elements to itself and that is: lyric, drama and epic. Each has a defined meaning and each creates the idea.

Therefore, it can be concluded that its presence is vital in any art, however the question still remains, how is genre categorized or classified in study of films?
In other words what exactly makes a film a comedy and another drama?

The answer lies beneath two main elements: the first and the foremost is the way of story telling and how it is represented in the film, through the actual plot and how its narrated to the audience (a method of storytelling), it’s the discourse, the ideology behind it that can make the genre as well, it does not mean that it is definite but it definitely influences the genre.

It is important not to get confused between the themes and the genre, themes may be similar and present in two entirely different genres. How can that happen?
Say 'The Simpsons' and 'Harry Potter' (2001) movies, What are the main themes (the motif) in 'Harry Potter' movies? Just to name a few: family, loss, love, community, and friendship will probably come in to our minds. How about the soap opera 'The Simpsons?' Surprisingly 'the Simpsons' has all of the above themes in common with ‘Harry Potter' movies. However the two genres are again entirely different with a tag of 'fantasy' genre to Harry Potter movies and satire (or social comedy) genre to 'The Simpsons'.

And the second is the characters, (which is pretty much matter of performance) and how they appear through the eye of the audience, do they appear happy? Sad or dramatic? serious? Sophisticated? Frightened? One may argue that just because an actor in showing a certain emotion may not certify a classification of a genre which may be true but what is evident and what differentiates one genre to another is how that emotion or that sense of being is showed by the performer.

Hopefully with this post, you will be able to clarify and distinguish a genre easier than before and also be able to see the difference between a genre and a theme of a visual product.

Jazgol xx


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